Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is the sacrament which gives the Holy Spirit in order to root us more deeply in the divine filiation, incorporate us more firmly in to Christ, strengthen our bond with the Church, associate us more closely with her mission, and help us bear witness to the Christian faith in words accompanied by deeds. (CCC 1316)
The sacrament is generally celebrated in May during the 8th grade for all who have been properly prepared in the Religious Education program or St. Rose Grammar School. Children are expected to Immediate preparation for Confirmation is two years. Their knowledge and understanding of the faith will be assessed each year. Weekly Mass attendance is expected.
For Grade School youth, Confirmation is normally celebrated in the Spring of 8th grade. It is expected that students have successfully completed grades 1-8 in Religious Education or a Catholic school. If a student has missed any years of instruction they will need to be assessed and may require extra preparation before receiving Confirmation.
Students attending St. Rose Grammar School, (parishioners and non-parishioners) must complete an application if they wish to receive Confirmation at St. Rose in the Spring of 8th Grade.
For Adults or High School Teens seeking Confirmation click for RCIA program.
Grade 7
Grade 7 preparation includes service to God and the Church, weekly Mass attendance, knowledge and memorization of Catholic basics. At the end of the year, students will be assessed some basics.
Click here for . . .
- Memorizations Study Sheet for Confirmation Basics
- Service to God and the Church [coming soon]
- Generic fill-in Permission Slip for day of Service [coming soon]
- Service reflection/evaluation form [coming soon]
Grade 8
All will be invited to open their hearts to a personal relationship with Christ as they confirm and grow in their Catholic faith. The year includes direct preparation and knowledge of the sacrament of Confirmation, the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit and overview of the life of Jesus. Students will research and select a Saint as a heavenly role model and a sponsor as a living Catholic role model to accompany them through life.
Before Confirmation, students will be interviewed and assessed for their understanding of the Catholic faith in which they are seeking full membership and their desire to be confirmed in it.
- Confirmation Handbook and Requirements [coming soon]
- Important Confirmation Prep Dates [coming soon]
- Memorizations Study Sheet for Confirmation Basics
- Form for Choosing a Confirmation Name
- Letter to Sponsor with Sponsor Requirements
- Confirmation Dress Code for Sponsors and Confirmandi
- Mysteries of the Rosary Explanation
- Mysteries of the Rosary – video with pictures and explanation
- Optional — Extra 25 hours of Service to the Church [coming soon]