First time parents requesting Baptism for their child must attend a Baptismal Prep class. The next class will be on May 4, 2022 from 7-9 pm in the Parish Center.
The purpose of the class is to update the parents in their knowledge of Baptism and to encourage them to be faithful to their promise to raise their children according to the teaching of the Catholic Church.
Parents asking for Baptism for their child are asked to call Rachel in the Parish Office at 732-681-0512 ext. 415 celebration of the Sacrament.
Documents needed for baptism: A copy of the birth certificate, a sponsor certificate for baptism from the church where the Godparents are registered (if both are Catholic ~ See note below)
The Baptismal Preparation class is conducted by a team of men and women who take the program seriously and truly desire to share their faith with new parents.
The class will be held on: May 3, 2022.
Note about Godparents: at least one godparent must be a registered member at a Catholic Church, must have completed their 16th year, must have made all sacraments including if married, must have been married in a Catholic Church or have obtained a dispensation to be married elsewhere. They must obtain a “sponsor certificate for baptism” which is a letter issued by the church where they are registered members.
The other godparent may be any baptized member of another Christian denomination and they will be called a Christian Witness. Only a baptismal certificate is required for this person.
If both godparents are Catholic, both will need a sponsor certificate for baptism.
Canon 873 states, “There is to be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each.”