CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD At the Sunday 9:30 am Mass, we bring children to the parish center for their own liturgy. Children from pre-school to 4th grade are encouraged to participate. The liturgy includes simplified versions of readings and learning activities about the readings, Mass and other topics. Our volunteers take turns planning and leading, helping children bring up gifts and texting when it's time to return to Mass. We use an online sign-up sheet and volunteers do not need to attend the 9:30 Mass every week. When: Sunday, 9:30am (only on the dates you choose to volunteer) Contact:Fran Griffin, 973-903-5600, [email protected]
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS Would you like to join a supportive team of parishioners to guide candidates in the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church? The RCIA team mentors teens and adults during weekly classes to take the steps toward receiving sacraments at the Easter Vigil and attaining full membership in the Catholic Church. Those who have recently returned to the Church or wish to review or refresh their Catholic Faith are also welcome to attend the adult classes. Volunteers, friends or sponsors who wish to support or mentor the candidates are also welcome. Contact -Sr. Donna D’Alia, RSM, 732-681-0512 419, [email protected]
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (CCD) The team of CCD teachers instructs children in the faith one afternoon a week. Training for teachers is encouraged and provided. Weekly helpers are also needed! Contact -Sr. Donna D’Alia, RSM, 732-681-0512 419, [email protected]